Traditional Taste
Bahçıvan Soft Feta Cheese has a different taste and soft texture than traditional cheese. It is both spreadable and sliceable. It appeals to consumers of all ages with its soft structure and low salt content. Full-Fat, Probiotic and Lactose Free Low-Fat options are available.
You can enjoy different flavours with our Lactose-Free Low-Fat(light) Soft Feta Cheese, which can be easily consumed by people who cannot consume milk and milk products due to lactose intolerance. This cheese, whose fat content is lower than normal cheeses, is a healthy and delicious alternative for those who apply a diet program and want to maintain its form.
Turkey's First and Single Probiotic Soft Feta Cheese reduces insulin fluctuation with its low carbohydrate, strong protein and fat content and provides long-term satiety and energy. It is recommended to consume up to 45-50gr (2 matchboxes) per day for your health. By supplementing probiotics with prebiotic nutrients, you can achieve quality nutrition and a healthy digestive system.
Probiotic Soft Feta Cheese
500 grSoft Feta Cheese
500 grSoft Feta Cheese
800 grLactose-Free Low-Fat Soft Feta Cheese
500 grThe products do not contain gluten.